這次泛太平洋公開賽,除了媒體寵兒莎娃復出後的首冠之外,更重要的是杉山愛將從此告別他馳騁十七年的球場。事實上,早在美網開始前,杉山愛就告訴好友Kim Clijsters,這會是她最後一場大滿貫比賽。


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Byatt, AS                      The Children's Book                ...得過的大喀

Coetzee, J M               Summertime                           ...得過的大喀

Foulds, Adam              The Quickening Maze 

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2209BK3.jpg Is the short story enjoying a renaissance? The genre of choice for writers as highly regarded as Jorge Luis Borges and John Cheever, short fiction in the past decade has got shorter and shorter shrift from publishers who believe it does not sell. That may be changing.

Just over a year ago, Jhumpa Lahiri’s second collection, “Unaccustomed Earth”, leapt straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list in its first week of publication. “Occasionally a comet lands and flattens the forest, sending the usual critters running,” one of the paper’s bloggers commented. Then the London Sunday Times, usually a forum for bloody foreign reporting or high fashion, began commissioning short fiction of its own from such authors as Lionel Shriver and Ben Okri.

On May 27th the short story raised its longest applause yet when it was announced that Alice Munro, a 77-year-old Canadian, had won the Man Booker international prize, the first time a short-story writer has carried the day.

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/楊照 聯合報20090507



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51mGnCOlU%2BL._SL500_AA240_.jpgThe Little Stranger,喊半天這個月底終於要出了!要不要入圍今年的布克獎。

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「Always on the side of the egg 永遠站在雞蛋的一側」

Good evening. I have come to Jerusalem today as a novelist, which is to say as a professional spinner of lies.

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電影劇本由Danny Boyle的好拍檔Alex Garland進行改編撰寫工作。這部劇本進入了07年最佳劇本的black list。小說中的某些段落感覺很難影像化,實在很期待電影最後的成果。


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怎麼會入圍的啊?!不是說不好看,用BBS的黑話來說就是普雷而已(真的是很普)。總結整部電影大概是對廣末涼子從喜愛的厭惡的過程(開始:笑得好可愛 → 結尾:馬的,你是在笑屁)


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